So where we last left off...I had been out with Mr. Big Talker. In my ever mature way of handling the one-date relationship, I decided that he was weird enough that I didn't feel like responding to his phone calls and text messages, and eventually he gave up. Or so I thought. This past Friday, on my way to the grocery after work (yeah, grocery on a Friday, I'm awesome), my phone rang with a number I didn't recognize, so I let it go to voicemail. Good decision, because it was Mr. Big Talker "just calling to see what I was up to and if I still wanted to hang out."
Really? Did he seriously not get my Chandler Bing-esque response? "This was great, let's do it again sometime!" doesn't actually mean anything if the person NEVER ANSWERS YOU AGAIN. Oh also...did I mention that when I gave him a half-hug goodbye that he made some creepy gutteral noise that pretty much made me throw up in my mouth a little? Ewww.
Moving on.
In a strange and unexpected turn of events...I actually met a guy who I kinda like a little bit. Of course, you're thinking to yourself, "Online dating finally paid off! She met someone!"
You would be wrong. In fact, I've all but given up on the online nonsense. Even though it did make for some interesting date scenarios.
Soooo, the guy is a friend of a friend. And the one thing I can promise you is that he is nothing like the guy that you probably picture me with. For that matter, he's not what I've always pictured myself with. But guess what? I don't care! He's smart, handsome, and he makes me laugh. He also is dad to a nine-year-old chica, DJs once in a while, has arms full of tattoos, and works at a job that is anything but "typical." (His job is way more fun that the "Office Space" world I live in...where did I put those damn TPS reports?!)
It's too new and too soon to make futuristic predictions...buuuuuuuut so far so good. We hit up Kings Island this weekend with the mutual friends, stood in the cold rain, and laughed our asses off on some roller coasters. Then we all went out, had some drinks, and the two of us girls decided that since we missed midget wrestling at KI earlier in the day, that we should probably try to reenact it in my living room. Brilliant.
Now he just needs a blog nickname...
And finally, it wouldn't be right of me to post a blog without giving some love to my Cincinnati Reds! Post season play starts in just a couple of days and this coming Sunday, I'll be in the stands cheering my heart out as they play their first playoff game in Cincy in 15 years. Reds fans, do ya hear me?! Good luck to the boys!
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