And once again, they goes.
One of these days I'm going to learn how NOT to get excited over meeting a supposed "nice guy." Because as of late, it appears that I am not the good judge of character that I thought I was. So as you might have guessed by now, the dude I was recently seeing is now...gone. Seriously, like pulled a disappearing act this weekend, after which I learned that basically everything out of his mouth for the past couple of weeks has been nothing but lies. Bummer too, because I had just come up with a great blog nickname for him. He doesn't deserve it though. You can call him..."The Lying Cheating Bastard." That'll work.
But you know, props to him for being a good actor. Not so much to me for being a sucker though. Damn it.
I know you probably want the full story, but to be terribly honest, I don't want to talk about it. I want to pretend like it never happened. Shouldn't be too hard to do, because he apparently went completely off his rocker and deleted his entire Facebook page. I just think that's weird.
Many many MANY thanks are due to my wingwoman and a couple of our awesome neighbors for dragging me out of my "woe is me" moment on Saturday night though. Nothing cures a sad soul like friends and liquor. And pizza.
Soooo I've decided to go back to paying a little more attention to my Match account. Why not? You never know.
Aside from this weekend's drama, I spent the rest of it getting my poor little bruised and battered heart completely broken by my beloved Cincinnati sports teams. (Not you, Bearcats, you get a pass this week.) But ohhh the Reds and Bengals. Yesterday was not a good day to be a Cincinnati sports fan. But I guess in a way, I'm actually relieved that the Reds season is over, because the last couple of weeks have been stressful! And I mean, no one expects much out of the Bengals this season, so the heartbreak is a little easier to stomach. It's hard to be disappointed when you don't expect much to begin with. (Hey, maybe that should be my dating mantra too!)
So there ya go. Another dating saga ends. A new week begins. Okay, I'm ready now. your mouse to the right of your screen and follow me. Do it. Do it now. Great, thanks.
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