A Question of "Ethics"
I just have to address this one thing before I continue. I've gotten a bit of flack for my adventures, from one person in particular who basically called me "unethical" the other day. I don't see how dating a handful of guys is unethical. Let me make this clear: I AM NOT sleeping around, and I'm not doing anything wrong. They are just dates, and I am just putting myself out there to see what happens. If I go on some nice dates with some nice guys and it doesn't work out...what's the problem? People date all the time, and it doesn't always work out, but no one says you're "unethical" for meeting people in "real life." I don't get it. Like I said...you don't have to agree with me, but CHASTISING me is not okay.
That's all I have to say about that.
The Weekend
So let's talk about this weekend. It was so much fun, but I am sooooo paying the price right now. On Friday, I did indeed have two separate dates. They were strategically spaced apart enough that I could easily leave the first one in time enough to meet the second one. What I didn't expect was to have my expectations backwards. What I mean by that is, I was actually more excited to meet the first guy, but it turned out that my connection with the second guy was much stronger. (Resulted in a second date on Sunday. WHAT? I know. Hang on. We still have to get through Saturday.)
Friday Guy #1 was a genuinely awesome dude. No doubt about it. We had a good time sitting at a bar and chatting. It wasn't at all awkward and I really enjoyed my time with him. I'm not opposed to a second date with him to see if there could be some chemistry there. I'm just not sure yet. You know that I kind of like to be smacked upside the head with the spark, so we'll see. Physically, there's no chance in hell that I could squash this guy like a bug. He's built like a football player! But I think he's more of a teddy bear, which could be difficult for me, because I like a little banter to keep me on my toes.
Friday Guy #2, we'll call the Real Estate Agent (REA). This was one of the stragglers from eHarmony, who I started chatting with initially because his pictures made me think he had a good sense of humor. He does. Initially though, I expected him to be kinda skinny, but he really wasn't. I thought I'd get a lame-o "nice to meet you hug" but it was solid and I was pleasantly surprised. He's super laid back, which is a switch for me, because I am go-go-go all the time. At first I thought he was sleepy or that I was boring him. After a couple beers, he perked up and we had so much fun talking. I won't lie, I don't remember all of the details of the conversation, but I know that I laughed a lot and totally wanted to lay a big smooch on him. So I did. Who says you shouldn't kiss on the first date? That's a dumb rule. It's just a kiss. (Chemistry, people. The spark. That's what it's all about.)
SATURDAY! Best day ever, I swear. I attended my very first Ale Fest--a four-hour event where you can pretty much drink all the beer you can handle...and it's GOOD beer. Hundreds of beers. Hundreds of people. Beautiful weather. This event is already on my calendar for next year. I went with a group of friends and new friends and had a fabulous time. Everyone at the festival was so friendly, which made standing in line for beers a lot more fun. "Have you tried the creme brulee stout? No? Here, try mine!" Perfect stranger sipping out of my glass? Eh, whatever. Let's all share our germs. Drink and be merry.
While at the event, I ran into an old coworker from a previous job. He's from Brazil, and so as I'm sure you can imagine, super sexy. It's true that American women are suckers for foreign men. The Brazilian is four years younger than me, but I still kinda wanted to hang out with him. Plus he was totally doting on me, and let's be honest, it's fun to be told you're pretty. I'm also quite sure that I'm not the only one at whom he batted his big brown eyes, but I had his attention pretty much all night...so score one for me. And yes, I would go out on a date with him if he asked.
And so that takes us to Sunday, which after my busy weekend, would normally have been a day to rest. Luckily, my GBF (gay best friend) made me go home at a decent hour on Saturday night, or I might have been incapcitated entirely on Sunday. (Of course, on the ride home I had to drunk dial my BFF in Vegas, as well as my favorite person in Orlando. Wubble.) I did some laundry, then decided to meet up with REA from Friday night. That's right, he earned a second date just 2 days after the first one. Crap, does this mean I LIKE him?! Oh dear.
Seriously though, it was fun. We went to trivia night, and while both of us kind of suck at trivia, we somehow ended up coming in third out of six teams playing. Not a bad showing and it earned us a free bucket of beer. I am having a hell of a time figuring out what exactly is drawing me to this guy, but I guess maybe I don't need to know for sure just yet. I do like his company though, and he will certainly get a third date.
Friends, I am tired. But I am really having fun with this dating thing. For one of the first times in my life, I actually feel desireable and sexy. And yes, I do anticipate that sooner or later, one of these will turn into a real relationship, and the experiment will end. I still have a few boys I want to meet though, so for now, onward! I plan on lining up a few before the week is over. I know you're excited for me! :)
Unethical? Maybe they need to look up the meaning of the word. Glad you had a blast! I'll definitely be checking out Ale-fest in a few years.
ReplyDeleteWhat you're doing is hardly unethical. I should start a blog about MY dating experiences in Cincinnati. Now THAT'S unethical!
ReplyDeleteI can only say I LOVE this post. :) Glad to see you having a good time love. :)
ReplyDeleteI wish I had your confidence and your body. :( After this week, I'm afraid am to be Bridget Jones.