It's true. I'm double booked tonight. That's right, I have TWO dates scheduled for this evening. (Not at the same time, come on people, I'm smarter than that.)
6:30pm -- Drinks, and maybe a bite to eat, with a Match guy. Tall, dark, and handsome. Age, 36. Occupation, gainfully employed at a local college. Potential, yes. I'm very excited to meet this one.
9:30pm -- Meet suitor #2 at another local establishment. This guy is left over from eHarmony, 30-something, a former real estate agent who now owns rental properties and is pursuing an MBA. I like his sense of humor, which is why I talked to him in the first place. Seems to be a chameleon with his look though...facial hair, or no facial hair? Glasses or no glasses? I'm not sure which one will be meeting me tonight.
Now, my task at hand is to fight off the headache I have left over from salsa dancing and drinking last night! Must remember that I am NOT 22 anymore and it's not as easy to bounce back. Why do I always forget about this until the next day?
Can't wait to hear how they both go!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck!!! Have fun!